Programme Focus
The strategic outcomes for UWESO for the period 2021 – 2030 are aligned to the SDGs and the Uganda NDPIII. The strategic programme priorities of this strategic plan are directly or indirectly aligned to SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. The selected programme components are in line with the NDP III objectives on the Human Capital Development, which are to:
- Improve the foundations for human capital development;
- Produce appropriate knowledgeable, skilled, and ethical labour force (with strong emphasis on science and technology, BTVET and Sports);
- Streamline STEI/STEM in the education system;
- Improve population health, safety and management;
- Reduce vulnerability and gender inequality along the lifecycle;
- Promote sports, recreation, and physical education.
With regard to improving the foundations for Human Capital Development, the NDPIII prioritizes, among other, early child development (ECD), promotion of Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition practices; strengthening the enabling environment for scaling up nutrition at all levels; increasing access to immunization against childhood diseases; strengthening the family unit to reduce domestic violence, child deprivation, abuse and child labour; tracking enrolment, drop-out, retention and completion and to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into the school curriculum as well as implementing a National Strategy against Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy. These priorities have a bearing on UWESO’s focus as indicated in its strategic outcomes 1-4 for the period 2021 – 2030 articulated in the sections that follow.
Strategic Outcome 1:
Improved Development and Learning of children
in children is the greatest investment on earth”
- Janet Kataaha Museveni
Key Result Areas:
Strategic Outcome 2:
Girls and boys safeguarded from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect
“Violence against the most vulnerable members of our society – our children and adolescents – has a devastating impact and leads to a wide range of health and social problems. Yet much of it is predictable and preventable through programmes that address its causes and risk factors” (Inspire, 2016).
Key Result Areas:
Strategic Outcome 3:
Empowered, Self-reliant Youth
“Effective youth programming puts young people at the centre to address their diverse needs and capacities”
Key Result Areas for Youth Empowerment::
Strategic Outcome 4:
Sustainable livelihoods that respond to the needs of children and youth.
Key Result Areas:
Strategic Outcome 5:
Institutional Development
Key Result Areas: