We are pleased to share the latest updates from the USAID-funded Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) North East Activity in our semi-annual newsletter covering October 2023 to March 2024. Key highlights: We have made significant strides in improving the lives of OVC in Busia, Katakwi, Kotido, Mbale, Soroti during this […]
Peer-led Support Groups Empower Adolescents living with HIV to Navigate Stigma with Confidence and Resilience
Meet Angel (pseudonym), a 13-year-old in Tororo District with big dreams of becoming a nurse and spending quality time with loved ones. But amidst her aspirations, she carries a big burden: Angel was born with HIV. “When I turned 11, I discovered my condition and felt scared and alone, unsure […]
New UWESO CEO Visits USAID-funded Orphans and Vulnerable Children Activity Offices
The newly appointed Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mrs. Jolly Kamugira Kaguhangire, made a six-day field trip to the USAID-funded Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) North East Activity (NEA) offices in Mbale, Katakwi, Soroti, Busia and Kotido. The visit was an opportunity for CEO […]
Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) soft loans empower single mother to educate her children to University level
Jackie (pseudonym), a forty-year-old single mother in Tororo District faced the challenge of ensuring that her four children attained quality education. For over four years, Jackie tolerated violence from her husband as she faced the dilemma of leaving her abusive marriage to protect herself or enduring the hardships for the […]
Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) are a vital force in the fight against domestic violence in Eastern Uganda
When Norah (pseudonym) gave birth to her fifth child, her husband’s character drastically changed. He began drinking and coming back late at home. His provision to the household also became scanty and less. As time passed, the violence shifted from emotional to physical. Her husband had no fear and would […]
“UWESO VSLA Model has given us a voice!” People Living with HIV in Toroma Sub-county, Katakwi District
In the remote Village of Abobore Cell, Obongot ward, Toroma Subcounty in Katakwi District, the Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) initiative has changed the general community’s perceptions towards People Living with HIV (PLHIV). Here, a dedicated group of individuals, known as Torom […]
Munomukabbi Savings Group has grown from 15 members to become a Beacon of Financial Empowerment in Mbale City
The Munomukabbi Village Savings and Loan Association, located in Bunghokho Sub-county, Mbale District, commenced with a modest membership of 15 individuals, which is only half of the approved composition of 30. However, within three years of its establishment by the Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO), the group has […]
USAID Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) North East Activity Annual Newsletter Oct. 2022- Sept. 2023
Welcome to the USAID OVC North East Activity Annual Newsletter (October 2022 – September 2023) Explore our achievements, highlights, and field stories by downloading the newsletter. Subscribe for updates on future editions and stay connected with our impactful work in North Eastern Uganda: Katakwi, Mbale, Busia, Sororti, Tororo and Kotido […]
How the Love and Devotion of a Grandmother Saved Life of an HIV-Positive Disabled Child
Bahinda Abraham (Not Real Name), is an eight-year-old HIV-positive boy living with disability in Muyembe cell, Malukhu ward, Industrial Division, Mbale City. Abraham’s father abandoned his pregnant mother, leaving her in a state of helplessness. Born HIV-positive, the overwhelmed mother made the decision to entrust her one-year-old child to her […]
A Community United to Support HIV-Positive Children and Prevent New Infections
Olupe Village, Bisina Parish, Ngariam Sub County, is a close-knit community in Katakwi District, Uganda with a strong support system expanding beyond the home borders. This collective effort has played a pivotal role in reshaping the lives of HIV-positive children like 12-year-old Alfa enrolled on the OVC Program and safeguarding […]