• Plot 2, Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya
  • 0392777448

The heartfelt gift from the children

This is a VSLA(※1)  group found in a Lake Albert Shore village Mbegu, Toonya Parish Buseruka Sub County Hoima District.

Their group name is DIRIKI BERO.



It was formed by a CBT(※2) called Mugisa Rachael on under REALISE+ and it was trained in VSLA+ where in addition to the saving, loaning and investing among the group members, more trainings are added onto the groups like the Financial Literacy trainings, Business Skill and the new OVC(※3) Fund which was introduced to the methodology.


The group embraced the attitude towards supporting the needy children using the funds saved for the purpose.

The group members identified the needy children around their community and they decided to buy school uniforms for two OVC called Afdirwoth Mercy in P.3 at Mbegu P/S and Paramungu Friday at Salvation P/S Mbegu.



As a result the children were able to go to school when they are smartly dressed and the appreciated the group for supporting them and seen in one of the beneficiaries handwriting in the photo below.


UWESO will keep encouraging this group and other VSLAs to provide a better life for our children and youth.


※1  VSLA …Village Saving and Loan Association

※2  CBT…Community Based Trainer

※3  OVC…Orphans and Vulnerable Children




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