• Plot 2, Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya
  • 0392777448

Success Story about Nagasha Allen

My name is Nagasha Allen, Ugandan aged fifteen years from Ruharo Village located in Ruharo ward Kamukuzi Division in Mbarara district.

I go to school at Mbarara Mixed primary school and I am in Primary Seven where we are twenty-five girls and twenty-six boys. I live with my parents, I have one sister and one brother and are all in school.

Before I got support from UWESO, the situation was hard because getting school fees and scholastic materials was very hard. I used to use any cloth whenever I was in my menstrual period and could always carry my books in a polythene bag while going to school. During the process of using a cloth, I would not feel comfortable while in class and therefore sometimes I used to stay at home until I complete my periods, sometime I felt like dropping out of school completely.

However, when I received scholastic materials from UWESO like i.e. Books, pens, pencils, bag and reusable sanitary pads, I no longer carry my books in a polythene bag “Kaveera” while going to school and now that I received re-usable sanitary pads, I feel very comfortable learning while in menstruation period. My life has changed because if the teacher gives notes I just get my pen, books and write them.

Many children mostly girls in our community are facing similar challenges and this has led to many dropping out of school.
My Plan is to become a nurse and help my family and the sick people in my community.
My humble request to UWESO is continue to identifying and supporting more vulnerable children in villages and street children.


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