Jackie (pseudonym), a forty-year-old single mother in Tororo District faced the challenge of ensuring that her four children attained quality education. For over four years, Jackie tolerated violence from her husband as she faced the dilemma of leaving her abusive marriage to protect herself or enduring the hardships for the […]
“UWESO VSLA Model has given us a voice!” People Living with HIV in Toroma Sub-county, Katakwi District
In the remote Village of Abobore Cell, Obongot ward, Toroma Subcounty in Katakwi District, the Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) initiative has changed the general community’s perceptions towards People Living with HIV (PLHIV). Here, a dedicated group of individuals, known as Torom […]
Munomukabbi Savings Group has grown from 15 members to become a Beacon of Financial Empowerment in Mbale City
The Munomukabbi Village Savings and Loan Association, located in Bunghokho Sub-county, Mbale District, commenced with a modest membership of 15 individuals, which is only half of the approved composition of 30. However, within three years of its establishment by the Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO), the group has […]