Implemented By 
The USAID Orphans and Vulnerable Children – North East Activity is a five-year Activity to prevent new HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in selected districts of Uganda. It promotes improved well-being of children and youth through comprehensive interventions that enhance sustainable prevention of new HIV infections and continued care for OVC and their caregivers while expanding the reach of OVC core activities in North Eastern Uganda. This activity addresses critical barriers to HIV service access, uptake and adherence and scales up access to high-impact HIV prevention services to improve health and social well-being outcomes among OVC, Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), select groups of at-risk boys and vulnerable adolescent males, and their families.
The Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) is the Prime partner for the USAID OVC North East Activity in 6 districts of; Tororo, Busia, Mbale, Kotido, Soroti and Katakwi.
The Activity supports Government of Uganda’s multi-sector strategies and priorities for HIV mitigation and prevention, with an emphasis on minimizing negative impacts of HIV on OVC and AGYW, addressing social, behavioral and structural drivers of HIV, and improving access to comprehensive sexual reproductive health services to prevent new infections.
Subject to availability of funds, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) intends to provide approximately $9,901,234 in total life of activity funding to implement this activity.
The U.S. Agency for International Development administers the U.S. foreign assistance program providing economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 80 countries worldwide.
USAID Orphans and Vulnerable Children North East Activity is based in six (6) Districts of Uganda with its main office based in Mbale.
Area of operations
To prevent new
HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among orphans and vulnerable children
(OVC) and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW)
The PEPFAR initiative provides major resources to support the Government of
Uganda’s national goal of achieving an AIDS-free generation.
The activity supports the multi-sector strategies and priorities for HIV mitigation
and prevention, with an emphasis on;
- Minimizing negative impacts of HIV on OVC and AGYW
- Addressing social, behavioral and structural drivers of HIV
- Improving access to comprehensive sexual reproductive health (SRH) services to prevent new infections.
Our Approach
implementation strategy is rooted in PEPFAR’s COP22 Operating principles;
Promoting Local Ownership.
Families as the first line of care and protection for children.
approach to OVC care and systems strengthening.
Sensitive Graduation Based Case Management.
Graduation Benchmarks
Target Population
- Children and adolescents (under age 18) living with HIV.
- HIV-exposed infants (HEIs), especially those of young HIV+ mothers.
- Biological children of mothers living with HIV (and children of biological fathers living with HIV if mother’s status is unknown).
- Children who have experienced sexual or other forms of violence.
- Girls at risk of or involved in transactional sex.
- Out-of-school adolescent girls.
- Adolescents living without adequate adult supervision (child headed).
- Children of key populations (Especially, FSWLHIV).
- Pregnant adolescent girls and those with infants.
- Adolescents 10 -14-year old at heightened risk of HIV infection or violence (NMN & Journeys).