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What is their hope? ~HOPE story part 2/2~.

The previous posts, we talked about the achievement as a group.

This time, we will put individual achievement in the spotlight.



Let’s listen to their real voice.


CASE1: Arinanye Mary– Chairperson, Hope Savings Association

I thank UWESO for being such an eye opener. Initially, as a woman, I never knew that I could have & manage my own finances, vegetable garden, and enough food for my family members. Currently, thanks to Hope Savings Association, malnutrition has no place in my home. I have since established my own rabbit rearing project and kitchen garden (including key hole gardens which guarantee my household a steady source of vegetables; even in the dry season), I have also bought myself a plot of land worth Sh.5,000,000; and can now cater for my basic needs. I no longer have to bother my husband to provide me such basic needs as sanitary pads, which I buy on my own. Above all, now my husband trusts and respects me more, for example, since I borrowed money (the Sh.5,000,000) and bought a plot of land, I earned tremendous respect and appreciation from my husband.



CASE2:Tusiime Moreen-Secretary, Hope Savings Association:

I thank UWESO for helping us start the VSLA. We particularly appreciate the training and mentorship from UWESO staff. At first, we feared to save; but now we are proud of our VSLA group and give it our full commitment. As a person, the group has helped me build my career – pursue my Masters’ Degree from the educational loans I conveniently access and pay back. As members, we never suffered during the COVID-19 lockdown; at least we had a steady resource base to rely on.



CASE3:Tumuheirwe Jane – Money Counter, Hope Savings Association.

I am also an active member of one of the mother Care groups affiliated with Nshungyezi Hospital. I appreciate UWESO for helping us establish, mentoring and training us in the VSLA concepts. Though we started small, we gradually picked up, implemented and benefited a lot from the VSLA. At personal level, the group helped me get some loans and grants from members to cater for a child that was abandoned at my home. The young girl (Brenda by name) is currently a student at Rutooma COU Primary School in P.4. I hereby appreciate UWESO – for providing me assorted scholastic and sanitary materials for Brenda, which tremendously helped her attend regularly and stay in school comfortably. However, I appeal to any other well-wisher to help me cater better for Brenda – an OVC under my care whose parents I don’t know their whereabouts. Besides, after the second share-out from Hope Savings Association, I got my accumulated savings, added some little more money and bought myself a ¾ acre piece of land and also built myself a better house.’



CASE4: Kabandize Julius – a member of Hope Savings Association.

I appreciate UWESO for helping us set-up and manage this savings group that provided    a vital forum for me to increase my social networks. Through Hope Savings Association, I have been able to make and maintain many helpful friends, especially fellow members. In addition, the group helped me adopt a vibrant savings’ culture. Although I previously had opened a bank account with Centenary Bank, it was very difficult for me to access their loans due to several unfavourable conditions and bureaucratic requirements. Hence, I was greatly relieved when I became a member of Hope Savings Association; now I can conveniently get instant loans to fund my various activities for example, with the support of loans from the group, I have been able to maintain my child who is in S.3 in school. Besides, another loan provided me some funds, which formed a basis for me to construct my house over there [he points at a red roofed house in the neighbourhood] and roof it with modern Sembule iron sheets. Furthermore, recently I got a loan (equivalent to Sh.900,000) from Hope Savings Association and deposited it for initial purchase of a piece of land. In summary, to me, hope Savings’ Group is a savior; thanks to the support by UWESO staff.’



CASE 5: Habamuremye Seruvugo – a refugee; member of Hope Savings Association.

I thank UWESO for helping us start the group, which has turned my life around. When I initially became a member of the group, I wondered whether I would ever manage; as a poor refugee with meagre income and little land and other livelihood support. Besides, I used to overspend on unnecessary things. Moreover, the cash rations we receive – on a monthly basis – were being gradually reduced. Nevertheless, through hard work and consistent saving, I have been able to get loans to help me educate my 4 children who are in primary and secondary schools around Oruchinga Settlement. For example, after the last share-out, I managed to get adequate money to clear the balance of school fees and even used the balance to purchase a solar power unit for my home. All these would not have been possible were it not for the support from Hope Savings Association.’





What do you think and how do you feelafter listening to their stories?


UWESO tries to encourage and strengthen them, but we listened to their story and we realized once again that we are also encouraged by their great work and their willingness to take on challenges.

Thank you very much for sharing those stories with us, Hope Savings Association members.

A big round of applause and more support to them!


Please read ~Hope Savings Association story part 1/2~ to check the individual achievements of HSA members.






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